
Fireside Chat with Ron

Fireside Chat with Ron

a three-minute leadership retreat on the run

Now's the Time for a Good "Oosouji"

January: We have a clean slate regarding what we will do with our year and how we look at it. This of course is at the center of leadership effectiveness -- 'Leadership Development from the Inside Out' -- or -- 'The Inner Life of the Leader': How we view the time we have been given; making room for new and creative ways of thinking and ways of doing; developing our awareness and resiliency. ... And so oosouji. My understanding is that in Japan, preparing for and celebrating a new year is accompanied by a cleansing called 大掃除 -- oosouji, sometimes translated literally as the ‘Big Clean’ or as what we might call ‘Spring Cleaning’ – a time when Japanese families clean their homes for the new year and to drive out impure influences. Even if they do not follow the old ways precisely, many Japanese use 大掃除 oosouji as an opportunity to clear out clutter and dirt from the old year.

And so our path continues to be something like:

  • Self-awareness, openness to shift -->

  • Organizing how we will use our time with priorities and creativity -->

  • The doing -- and the not-doing -- ACTION, not just mere resolutions.

So, we ask ourselves:

  • What's on the top of my list for oosouji right now, beyond the physical stacks of stuff in our workspace or unfinished tasks? What interior clutter -- unchallenged assumptions - forgotten promises - stale intentions - mental roadblocks - prejudices (pre-judgments) – fears - doubts?

  • Any items that seem to re-appear on each year’s oosouji exercise?

  • What might be getting in the way of a good oosouji -- what needs to happen for such an effective personal, team, or organizational clean-up? Is there something we just can’t seem to purge / get rid of / let go of?

  • As I approach the next hour, day, week... what will I resolve not to do, simply because it does not work, has never worked, only gets in the way of personal or team progress, actually adds to mental / physical clutter, and prevents energy for new ways of thinking or doing?

If we attack and accomplish a January oosouji, we should be ready for inspirations of renewed creativity and innovation!

And a healthy oosouji to you, 2017!

Best regards,